The Auckland Pioneer is a free, real-time, public transit trip planner.The Auckland Pioneer is a free, real-time, public transit trip planner for Auck
The Auckland Pioneer is a free, real-time, public transit trip planner.
The Auckland Pioneer is a free, real-time, public transit trip planner for Auckland. You can use this app to help your trip with Auckland public transport with real-time information. The Pioneer can explore restaurants, hotels and places of interest nearby and assist you to make your whole day trip plan. It provides step to step instructions to guide you to your destination. It even has the awesome Get-off-bus alarm*! Don’t hesitate, install the Pioneer!
The following permissions are required to install the app.
1. Location - For live tracking of user location for navigation.
2. Phone State - Updating the user when using the navigation feature.
*This feature is currently in beta. Due to considerations outside our control (such as device GPS accuracy, network connectivity, vehicle moving speed, etc), we cannot guarantee the reliability of this service.